The Benefits of Reflexology

Reflexology really works! As a practitioner, I need little convincing of that! I have witnessed positive results from treatment, time and time again. However, everyone  reacts differently to treatment, and as with any therapy, reflexology should not be considered a “quick fix”.

Generally, reflexology necessitates a series of treatments, and in this fashion, each treatment can be likened to the proverbial layers of an onion; each treatment removing   another layer and getting closer to the core of a client's health. 

From my experience, the third, is the “core” treatment. By this treatment, the reflexes that display most sensitivity will have been identified, and blockages will start “clearing” most noticeably. Although reflexologists cannot diagnose, it is possible to summarize the  “findings”, from one treatment to another. When clients ask me, as they often do, how many treatments they need, my usual reply is that they need as many treatments as necessary to reduce sensitivity in points recorded. Because reflexology is so effective, it doesn’t usually take more than a maximum of eight treatments to rebalance a client. After this time, clients can decide whether to continue with “sustaining”  treatments or not.


Reflexology treatments can release toxins into the bloodstream. For this reason it is important to drink plenty of water after a treatment. In this manner, the body can be detoxified, and balance restored.

The “after effects” of a reflexology treatment will vary from one individual to another. Although the desired, and most common effect, is a sense of relaxation, there can be a number of seemingly adverse effects. These might include headaches, dizziness, or not sleeping well. It should be understood that any such after effect is normal, and temporary, until the body has readjusted.

The benefits of reflexology are manyfold, and include, but are not limited to  some of the following: 

  • General relaxation and relief of stress
  • Improved circulation and lymph function
  • Effective in treating digestive upsets
  • Relief from trauma 
  • Addressing hormone imbalances
  • Alleviating migraine, neck, and shoulder pain
  • Aiding in general detoxification of the body 
  • Improving immune system function

For further information about different aspects of reflexology there a number of You Tube videos produced by members of the Association of Reflexologists below. To view a specific video simply click on the playlist in the top lefthand corner of the screen and select a video from the dropdown menu:

If you have any questions about reflexology or would like to schedule an appointment please use the contact form below:

© "Santa Feet" Reflexology (The Natural Way to a Balanced Body) by Jim J Williams - 2022